Saturday, July 27, 2024

?Banned? Imelda Marcos bio now available as e-book

Journalist Carmen Navarro Pedrosa’s ?The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos,? an unauthorized biography of former First Lady that was originally published in 1969 and subsequently banned during Martial Law, is now available in leading e-book retailers.

“The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos became a cause c?l?bre when Imelda tried to suppress its publication. I needed to make a dramatic message so Filipinos and other peoples remember her story of hubris,” said Pedrosa.

The biography is one of the books often cited as a resource regarding Imelda Marcos?s history, which was the case in ?Imelda: A New Musical? by the East West Players.

More than 300,000 copies of the book has been sold since its publication. It was also translated into French, Japanese, and Portuguese before going out of print.

Following its publication, Perdosa and her family went to exile in London for 20 years. She is the mother of international broadcast journalist Veronica Pedrosa. She now writes column for the Philippine Star.

The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos is initially available for $9.99 at Amazon and Flipreads, and will later be available at other leading e-book retailers. A print version was also launched last June 20 at the Philippine Opera Haus.


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