Wednesday, February 19, 2025

IBM to hold first virtual career summit in PH

Tech colossus IBM will hold the country?s first virtual career summit for university and college students on September 19, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM,

This is part of the IBM Career Exploration event, a global talent development initiative that will be launched in 11 countries, including the Philippines.

IBM Career Exploration is a half-day online virtual event experience designed for forward-thinking university and college students. This interactive activity will engage participants in an information exchange and discuss the various career opportunities in IBM.

For the Philippines, at least eight virtual information booths will be available to showcase IBM?s globally integrated capabilities.

The different booths include: Recruitment, business units for IT Sales & Distribution, IT Consulting & Services, Corporate Citizenship, Career Growth, New Employee Experience, and Smarter Planet.

These booths will be manned by IBM experts, who will interact with participants via live chat. Participants will also have a unique opportunity to know more about recent and relevant IBM technology services like social media analytics.

?IBM has long practiced the art and the science of developing the world?s best business and technology professionals. For over 100 years, IBM has worked to support and foster this distinctive brand of thinker and doer, also known as the IBMer. The Career Summit demonstrates IBM?s continued commitment to the Philippines and developing global professionals,? said Mariels Almeda Winhoffer, president and country general manager of IBM Philippines.

To participate in the IBM Career Exploration, please register here.


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