Saturday, July 27, 2024

Poll council holds fair to seek best system for 2019 automated elections

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) Advisory Council (CAC) has organized an Automated Election System (AES) Technology Fair to seek out which technologies are suited for the 2019 Elections.

DICT secretary Rodolfo Salalima (center) emphasizes the importance of the AES technology fair
DICT secretary Rodolfo Salalima (center) emphasizes the importance of the AES technology fair

Providers and developers have presented and given demonstrations of their AES technologies during the event, allowing the council to choose which system to recommend to the election body.

Held last July 26 at Novotel Hotel at the Araneta Center in Quezon City, the event was participated in by the Precinct Automated Tallying System (PATAS), Transparent Election System (TAPAT), Smartmatic International Corp., IP Converge, and Laxton Group.

The event will help the country ?have a fair, fast and truthful and eligible elections in 2019,” said Rodolfo Salalima, Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) secretary and chairperson of CAC.

The CAC is composed of representatives from the DICT, Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), academe, Chief Information Officers Forum Foundation, IT professionals, and non-government electoral reform groups. — Clarist Zablan


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