Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gov’t websites down due to server malfunction: DICT

The DICT is seeking the help of multinational tech company IBM to bring the servers back online this week.

The Government Web Hosting Service (GWHS) is experiencing hardware failure on one of its storage systems that is affecting its overall function. As a result, several government websites are currently down and inaccessible. The Department DICT is already working on the issue, the agency said in a statement.

The websites will soon be up after hardware maintenance, the DICT said. Among those affected were the government’s official Online Gazette and websites of the DICT, the Presidential Communications and Operations Office, Department of Health and the Department of Science and Technology.

The department said the servers need to have some upgrades as the government has been using them for more than six years. The DICT has sought the help of multinational tech company IBM to bring the servers back online this week. — Aerol John Patena (PNA)


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