Saturday, July 27, 2024

6 things you didn’t know could damage your washing machine

Filipinos generally take pride in being clean at home. This is why it is not surprising that one of the most in-demand appliances in the country is the washing machine. With this sturdy appliance, families can do their laundry as often as they want without spending too much time and energy. They just need to toss the dirty clothes in the washer, set the right program, and the machine will do all the work.

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If you are the one in charge of the laundry in your household, you know full well how troublesome it will be if your washer suddenly becomes unserviceable. Your laundry will start piling up, and you may need to start looking for the best washing machine deals online again. Imagine the hassle and financial burden if you experience this. That said, you must do everything you can to keep your machine in tip-top shape. You can start by avoiding the following common mistakes users do that damage their washing machines:

Overloading the washing machine

Perhaps you want to save time, water, and electricity, so you always try to squeeze as many clothes as possible into the machine to finish everything in one wash. If you do this quite regularly, you need to break this habit immediately because it is hurting your washer more than you realize. Overloading pushes the machine to work much harder than what they are intended to handle, which means you could be facing a considerable reduction in your unit’s lifespan. Besides gradually damaging your washing machine, oversized loads also leave your garments dirty because the detergent cannot dissolve and circulate properly.

Placing the machine on an uneven floor

Is your washing machine rocking back and forth and making rattling noises when in use? If so, you probably positioned your washer on an uneven floor. It’s important to fix this issue right away. Not only will the rocking and banging become incredibly annoying, but they will also hurt your machine over time. The excessive vibrations could damage the motor, cause leaks and mechanical problems, and create a permanent imbalance. When this happens, you will surely end up paying for costly repairs.

Address this issue immediately by adjusting the washer legs to make the machine more stable. If your unit has fixed legs, you can use wood, rubber, or thick cardboard wedges to make the floor surface more even.

Using excessive detergent

Contrary to a common misconception, using more laundry detergent does not equal cleaner clothes. The habit will only cost you money and create more problems for your clothes and washing machine. Keep in mind that more detergent means more suds that could leave stains and residue on your garments. Excessive suds will also likely cause the unit to work overtime as it needs to do extra rinses to make the suds dissipate, thereby increasing normal wear and tear. Finally, unwashed leftover detergent could also result in unpleasant odors emanating from your appliance because there’s more opportunity for dirt to stick to the inside surfaces and to accumulate within.

If you are wondering how much detergent you need for every wash, the answer lies in the instructions written on the detergent box or bottle. Use the manufacturer’s recommendation as a guide, and make adjustments according to the size of your load.

Leaving your damp clothes in the machine for too long

Although it is all right to store your laundry in the machine before washing, failing to take them out immediately after washing is a big no-no. Leaving your damp garments inside the machine for too long can leave your clothes with an unpleasant odor, and it could even cause damage to your unit. The accumulation of moisture within the tub could lead to mold and bacteria build up as these organisms thrive in moist environments. In addition, your appliance will likely emit a foul smell.

To prevent such a scenario, be sure to take out your garments immediately after every wash. You can set a reminder on your phone so that you will not forget. Moreover, make it a habit to dry your washing machine by keeping the machine door open for 15 to 20 minutes after taking your clothes out. You may also want to give the tub a good wipe with a thick, dry towel to remove leftover moisture thoroughly.

Forgetting to check the pockets of garments before washing

Always check the pockets of your clothes before dumping them into the washing machine to protect your unit from unnecessary damage. Watch out for coins, keys, and other metal objects because these can certainly damage your unit’s drum, which in turn, could lead to leaks and torn garments. When this happens, you’ll probably have to replace your washer, especially if the damage is irreparable or is too costly to repair.

Failing to clean the dispensers

If you have an automatic washing machine, don’t forget to clean the dispensers or trays of leftover detergents and fabric softeners because they’re always in contact with the water inside the washtub. Failing to clean them could result in sticky grime and algae growth. Prevent this from happening by cleaning the dispensers after every wash and drying them completely before putting them back in. 

Your washing machine will wash your clothes tirelessly for as long as it is in good working condition. Give your washer the care it deserves through proper maintenance and avoidance of incorrect practices like those discussed above. Remember that keeping your machine in good shape reduces wear and tear, which usually means your investment will serve you for many years to come.


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