Saturday, July 27, 2024

Google My Ad Center promises more control for users

Tech giant Google has launched My Ad Center, a service that aims to create a better experience by giving users more control over the ads they see on Search, YouTube, and Discover while giving information on how it personalizes their ad experience.

Google says My Ad Center is designed to improve ad experience

According to Google, My Ad Center is designed to improve ad experience on Google’s sites and apps by giving users more control over the brands and topics they want to see. They can access this feature on Google Search, Discover, and YouTube while signed in, giving a quick and easy way to manage ads while browsing.

My Ad Center ensures that personal information remains safe, especially any information in Google Drive, Photos, or Gmail, the company said.

Users can decide which of their activities are used to make Google products work for users – independent of the ads shown, which means that if a user’s YouTube History is on, it does not automatically affect how ads are personalized unless they want them to be, Google said.

Through the My Ad Center, users can turn off permissions to use your YouTube History without impacting relevant recommendations in their feeds.

Google said users will also be able to choose and adjust how categories – such as education, relationship status, or the industry they work in – inform ads or turn them off completely. This way, users can more easily choose the ad experience that’s right for them.

Users also have the option to personalize their ad experience on any device where their account is signed in. My Ad Center allows them to turn this feature on or off through the use of Ad Settings. This keeps their preferences optimized, and still have the same experience outside of Google.


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