Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shell PH conducts virtual forum for business startups

Finding an identity for a business that is distinct enough for customers to recognize but unique enough to stand on its own is a process companies have to go through if they want to be leaders and innovators.

Addressing this need is the 3rd and final leg of 2022’s Shell LiveWIRE Virtual Homeroom on September 8, 2022.

A panel of experts, including Serge Bernal, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation vice president of corporate relations; Donna Santos, head of marketing and growth for e-Commerce of Robinsons Land Corporation; and Brad Geiser, CEO and co-founder of GeiserMaclang the Shell LiveWIRE event, hosted by RJ Ledesma

Startup founders, business owners, and entrepreneurs were taught vital lessons on how to create their digital identities. Sharing their experiences and knowledge during the event were established industry mentors Brad Geiser, CEO and co-founder of GeiserMaclang, and Donna Santos, head of marketing and growth for e-commerce of Robinsons Land Corporation.

 “Guided by our mission in nation-building, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation has been actively supporting the country’s startups and budding entrepreneurs in developing their businesses through Shell LiveWIRE,” Serge Bernal, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation vice president of corporate relations, said.

“Through this program, Shell helps Filipinos turn their ideas into viable and sustainable businesses. In addition to providing expertise, Shell LiveWIRE may also provide additional capital for either startup or expansion purposes, as well as an opportunity to be integrated into the Shell Value Chain,” he said.

A global enterprise development program, Shell LiveWIRE is offered in 15 countries to selected new enterprises to help them strengthen their systems, sharpen their competencies, and give them a chance to become part of the Shell Value Chain.

Now on its second year in the Philippines, about 700 Filipino startups and community and social enterprises have participated in LiveWIRE: more than 20 successful startups have been supported by Shell and received capital funding support; seven of these businesses are being integrated into the Shell Value Chain with more under negotiations.

 “Strong brands affect consumer purchasing decisions. Brands help set budget priorities for consumers. Sometimes more than economic considerations, brands alter and impact purchasing,” Geiser said.

Meanwhile, Santos explained the importance of being able to break down your target audience in the digital space. “You are not selling the product — you are selling a solution to a problem, and get in the mind of your audience and understand what they care about,” she said. “When you do your audience research, it’s important to find what content they’re consuming and what social media they’re using.”

Santos also enumerated the four goals that any digital marketing campaign should win from the customer: “Their attention. Interest. Desire. Action.” The challenge: “You have less than three seconds to hook the customer.”


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