A new research from crypto firm Coin Kickoff has revealed that among 193 countries searching on Google for metaverse-related terms, people in the Philippines are most interested — with 2,421 searches per 1,000 people in the country.

The Philippines is among the most enthusiastic when it comes to the metaverse’s development, hosting Asia’s largest metaverse conference in Manila in May 2022, the report observed.
The study also found that five of the ten most positive countries about the metaverse are in Southeast Asia, emphasizing the region’s optimism about extended reality technology.
Vietnam is one area that has a major opportunity to drive innovation in the metaverse, thanks to an emerging tech cluster with gaming and fintech at its heart.
“Our research shows that people in Vietnam are most enthusiastic about the metaverse, with 56.1% of Twitter posts about it containing positive messaging… Axie Infinity, one of Vietnam’s most popular metaverse games, had a player base of at least 2.5 million at the start of 2022 and is one of the most exciting prospects in metaverse technology,” the report said.
The study noted, however, if the metaverse is to further enter the mainstream, it will need the support of Millenials and Gen Z. Research firm McKinsey suggests that the youngest two generations are likely to spend as much as five hours per day in the metaverse.
“The gaming sector is arguably the most enthusiastic about the metaverse, with 52% of users believing it will revolutionize the industry. Online games like Roblox and Fortnite already incorporate elements of the metaverse, with large virtual worlds that allow users to interact with each other and create a sense of community among their player base,” the study said.