Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gov’t agency asks senior citizens to register for online database

KALIBO — The National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC), a new government office created by law in 2019, is urging senior citizens to register online through the agency’s website as it seeks to create a database of senior citizens in the country.

The NCSC said its campaign to invite more registrants is gaining ground, but it’s still hoping that more will register.

NCSC commission Reymar Mansilungan, in an interview with Newsbytes.PH, disclosed that he was assigned to conduct campaign awareness among the senior citizens in Panay Island, as part of his official visit to the provinces of Aklan and Antique.

“The nationwide database as an information system is important for us senior citizens in the NCSC. Through the database, we would be able to collect information not only for their health and well-being but most importantly their skill sets as well,” Mansilungan said.

The NCSC estimates that around 2.5 million senior citizens have already registered online. 

“As soon as we were able to determine the available skills of the senior citizens. We will then study how we could make use of them. For example, if there is a lack of teachers in a locality, we could be able to know how many of the senior citizens were available retired teachers, perhaps, we could recommend to the Department of Education to fill them in as we are lacking teachers. This is also the same as other skills needed,” he added.

The database would also provide the NCSC with a clear picture of the needs of the senior citizens in the Philippines.

“Another is for us to determine the number of senior citizens living on the remote islands. This way, we could recommend that their state pensions will be sent to their Bcash or Maya app instead of them crossing rivers just to claim it,” he added.

Senior citizens could register for free at the website of the NCSC at


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