Saturday, July 27, 2024

PH employees find digital innovation crucial: study

A majority of Filipino workers consider digital innovation crucial to their work, but only half believe that the companies they work for are putting in the resources to drive innovation, a new study said.

Filinvest Group’s innovation arm F(DEV) initiated the new study on digital readiness study with market research firm Tangere. The report polled more than 700 professionals from different industries to gauge the digital readiness of companies and their employees.

The study also said majority of Filipino employees consider digital innovation as highly important to both their individual (91%) and team-related (98%) work.

Further, the study said although 52% of employees surveyed deem their companies to be highly innovative, and 88% believe their work environment is suitable for innovation, 47% cite the lack of resources and support to innovate or unpreparedness for innovation as the biggest barrier to digital adoption.

Budget or financial cost comes second at 42%, and the lack of relevant knowledge or skills comes third at 38%, the study said.

Interestingly, despite these barriers, Filipino employees remain keen on upskilling.

Most are eager to explore new ways of learning. Seventy percent of the respondents are willing to invest in and learn more about business innovation and leadership.

Other areas of interest include design thinking, product development, graphic design, and marketing (65%), as well as data-related skills such as collection, analysis, and laws (59%).

Further, the study said social media platforms have emerged as the most favored source of learning today. Notably, 44% rank TikTok as the most effective platform for consuming educational content, followed closely by YouTube at 38%, and Facebook at 36%.

These preferences open up opportunities for companies to leverage these platforms for effective skills development. Gone are the days of traditional corporate training methods and organizations need to open up easily accessible content and development opportunities for their people.


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