Friday, May 3, 2024
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Jam Jacob

INCOGNITO | Contact tracing for businesses and public transport, simplified

As a privacy advocate, I feel there are so many other things to be said about how the government has handled this task of helping businesses set up their respective contact tracing systems.

INCOGNITO | Why suspending the Data Privacy Act during this pandemic is wrong

The suggestion of some business groups to temporarily suspend the Data Privacy Act (DPA) is wrong in so many ways, ill-conceived, shortsighted, and ultimately irresponsible.

INCOGNITO | Catching up with the Data Privacy Act

Eight and four years into their existence, the Data Privacy Act and the National Privacy Commission respectively are at a crucial junction. If they are to remain relevant not just in the local regulatory ecosystem, but in the overall consciousness of Filipinos and residents alike, they have to confront difficult issues head on and with consistency.

INCOGNITO | Inmate deaths, privacy, and public pressure

Jam Jacob: “For public interest to justify the disclosure of prison records, a specific ground must still be identified. However, there are sufficient grounds under the Data Privacy Act that allow the sharing or disclosure of such records.”

INCOGNITO | More data collection without data protection

‘Although we now have a data protection law, experience tells us that people often need to be shown how a policy directly applies to their situation.’
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