Saturday, July 27, 2024

Google lures Pinoy execs with AdWords certification contest

Internet giant Google is calling on local marketing professionals to participate in its Google Certification Program (GCP) Challenge for AdWords, Google?s search engine marketing platform.

GCP page

Google said GCP helps digital marketing professionals improve their proficiency in Google Adwords. Once they pass the required exams to become ?Individually Qualified?, they will receive a certificate that endorses their Google AdWords proficiency. They will also have an Individual Profile page shareable with their clients.

To drum up interest in the certification, the company is launching a GCP Challenge in the Philippines from January 21 till March 15, 2013.

As part of the challenge, Google will be rewarding the top three GCP candidates who will pass both Google Advertising Fundamentals and Search Advertising Advanced exams with a smart device worth $600.

Existing GCP Qualified Individuals whose GCP qualification expires before March 31, 2013 are encouraged to join the contest.

As the contest is only open to any individuals employed in the Philippines, company URLs along with individual scores must be submitted.

Here?s how:

Step 1 – Visit the GCP challenge website at
Step 2 – Check for the challenge
Step 3 – Register to be in the running
Step 4 – Sit for the exams online between January 21 and March 15, 2013
Step 5 – Submit results at between January 21 and March 15, 2013


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