Saturday, July 27, 2024

Solon calls on BIR to defer full implementation of online income tax filing

House Ways and Means Committee chair Rep. Romero Quimbo on Wednesday, April 8, called on the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to defer the full implementation of Revenue Regulation (RR) No. 5-2015, or the Online eBIR income tax filing, until certain system technical issues are resolved.

Marikina representative Miro Quimbo
Marikina representative Miro Quimbo

In a letter addressed to BIR Commissioner Kim Henares, the Marikina lawmaker commended the noble intention of RR No. 5-2015 but said that there are implementation issues that the agency has to seriously consider before carrying out the regulation to its full extent.

He said that his office was swamped with complaints from taxpayers, especially from micro-entrepreneurs and employees with additional sources of income, regarding the new online income tax filing. Sen. Bam Aquino has earlier aired the same call to the BIR.

?Reports have reached my office that many taxpayers encounter delays or technical issues enrolling into the Online eBIR Form System. Particularly, as of April 3, 2015, taxpayers reported getting an error message that the system is ?under construction? and is, thus, unable to receive electronic submission,? Quimbo said.

The lawmaker further noted that Revenue Regulation 5-2015 was only issued last March 17, 2015, or less than a month before the April 15, 2015 deadline.

?Considering the short time frame given, our taxpayers may not have sufficient time to adjust their systems and processes to fully comply with the mandatory requirement to use eBIR Forms and electronically submit said returns,? he said.

?Because of these, I am also requesting the BIR to defer the imposition of penalties for taxable year 2015 so as to give taxpayers sufficient time to study and comply with the new system,? Quimbo said. — PNA


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