Saturday, July 27, 2024

Study reveals travelers prefer online sources for travel information

A new report from hotel booking site has shown that travelers trust online forums and blogs most when making travel plans.

Online Sources for traveller-for Newsbytes

The survey, conducted in April and May 2015, asked over 5,500 customers from all over the world which sources they found most reliable when making travel plans. Online forums were the most popular, with 34% of respondents choosing them.

Blogs and independent websites came in second with 28% of the vote. Online sources combined, which includes forums, blogs and travel apps, took 71% of the vote.

?It?s no surprise that more and more travelers trust online sources the most. When travelers turn to Internet resources, they benefit from the combined knowledge and experience of countless other travelers, and can also target their research to suit their particular needs in a way they never could before,? said John Brown, COO of

Most Reliable Source of Travel Information

Online forums — 34%
Blogs and independent websites — 28%
Advice from locals — 13%
Printed guidebooks — ?12%
Travel apps — 9%
Other — 4%

Only 12% of respondents selected guidebooks.

As for sharing information with others after they?ve traveled, 79% of respondents said they posted reviews, commented on blogs or posted on social media about their travel experiences (respondents were only allowed to select one choice).

Do You Share Your Travel Experiences Online?

No — 21%
Yes, I post reviews — 38%
Yes, I post on social media — 25%
Yes, I comment on blogs or forums — 16%


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