Saturday, July 27, 2024

Miriam?s Facebook page has most likes among gov?t officials

If Facebook ?likes? were votes, and the presidential elections were held today, Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago would be the sure winner, the 2016 Election Watch Desk of the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) reported over the weekend.


The TUCP desk is monitoring, aggregating, and reporting pre-election trends, including social media developments related to the 2016 presidential polls. It also plans to hold presidential as well as senatorial debates on labor issues.

Santiago?s official FB page had a total of 3,123,357 likes as of Sept. 30, 2015, followed by Vice President Jejomar Binay?s page with 1,758,688 likes.

Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte?s official FB page ranked third with 1,049,681 likes; resigned Interior Secretary Mar Roxas?s page fourth with 1,029,216; Sen. Grace Poe?s page fifth with 553,571; and former president and now Manila City Mayor Joseph Estrada?s page sixth with 506,004.

?We?re not surprised by Senator Santiago?s exceptionally strong fan base among FB users. Her feistiness tends to attract young and avid Internet users,? the TUCP desk said.

?Many of her FB fans say that Senator Santiago is the true champion of the real ?Tuwid na Daan,? and that many of the country?s elected officials, regardless of their political parties, would likely end up in jail for corruption, once the go-getting senator is elected president,? it added.

The TUCP desk, however, stressed that the labor group itself, led by former Sen. Ernesto Herrera, is still searching for a presidential aspirant to endorse.

Among vice presidential contenders, Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano?s official FB page topped with 891,616 likes, followed by Sen. Francis Escudero?s page with 562,786 likes.

Sen. Antonio Trillanes?s page came in third with 556,792 likes; Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr.?s page fourth with 335,102; and Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo?s page fifth with 323,392.


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