Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bureau of Customs to test e-transaction for ‘Asean Single Window’ program

In preparation for the country?s launch of the Asean Single Window, the Bureau of Customs has issued memorandum order to pilot test the implementation of the electronic application and issuance of preferential and non-preferential Certificate of Origin (e-CO) to help in the formulation of policies and procedures for the electronic exchange of data.


According to the bureau, this will review the procedures in the electronic application and issuance of the Asean Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) Form D as part of the Asean Single Window Program (ASW) for the purpose of rolling out the e-CO system in all ports to include various Free Trade Agreements (FTA).

?Once fully implemented, Philippine exporters will extensively benefit from the ease and facility in the processing of COs for their exports and the reduced transaction costs arising from paperless processing,? said BOC deputy commissioner Agaton Uvero.

The e-CO will be set at the Port of Manila (POM), Manila International Container Port (MICP), Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), Port of Cebu, and Mactan International Airport.

Through the 3-month pilot implementation, application and issuance o ATIGA Form D shall cover the following:

? Registration of pilot exporters for the use of e-CO System and their qualified export products;

? Electronic submission of customs ruling on the compliance of specific export product to ATIGA;

? Electronic submission of application of e-CO Form D and submission of the scanned copies of the export declaration, commercial invoice, and the airway bill or bill of lading;

? Online review and approval of the e-CO Form D;
? Printing of the approved e-CO, in the prescribed ATIGA Form D;

? Signing of the printed e-CO;

? Scanning and storing in the BOC e-CO system of the signed Form D;

? Generation of the BOC Management Reports on the e-CO issued.

The use of Form D is accepted in Asean countries under ATIGA OCP for the purpose of preferential tariff treatment.

The Preferential Tariff Treatment reduces and eliminates import duties on certain eligible products exported by the Philippines to other Asean member states. This innovation in the system shall help expedite trade facilitation among these member countries.

Electronic to Mobile (E2M) registered members may register to e-CO System for application and issuance of the ATIGA Form D. Application should include scanned copy of the Ruling on the Country of Origin, Export Declaration, Commercial Invoice, and Airway Bill or Bill of Lading.

?The move will also align the Philippines with the automation and trade facilitation programs of many of the APEC member economies,? said bureau chief Alberto Lina.

?The e-CO System is just part of the many reform and modernization programs that the bureau is undertaking to ensure that better service is given to its stakeholders and the transacting public,? he added.


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