Saturday, July 27, 2024

Local firms warned against DDOS attacks during holiday season

As the holiday shopping season kicks off, DDoS mitigation service provider IPC has warned enterprises, especially e-commerce and financial institutions, to be on full alert for cyber attacks.


DDoS (or Distributed Denial of Service) attacks occur when access to websites, online apps, and online services are cut-off by malicious entities. The attack often involves flooding the Web server with unusually high amounts of traffic simultaneously, causing the server to slow down or crash. This results in disruption of services and communication to enterprises that rely heavily on their servers and online presence in their daily business activities.

?With so many people turning to online shopping to avoid the holiday rush, cybercriminals will want to take advantage of the increased traffic. Perpetrators will use this as an opportunity to bring down websites, commit data theft and fraud, and other forms of cyber attacks. Thus, it is imperative for enterprises to safeguard their digital presence,? said Ni?o Valmonte, IPC director for product management and marketing.

In a bid to increase awareness on the dangers of DDoS attacks, one of the most widespread forms of cybercrime, IPC will be holding a free webinar on December 2, 2015.

The session seeks to educate enterprises about DDoS attacks and how to protect against and address the risks, regardless of size and industry. Interested parties are encouraged to register here.

Moreover, IPC will be sharing facts, tips and infographics on DDoS attacks and cyber attacks in general through its Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn pages, as well as its blog

Valmonte explained, ?Over 50 percent of cybercrimes in the world are DDoS attacks. As this continues to become more common, criminals are now starting to use this as a diversionary tactic to do worse things. Attackers now use DDoS as a chance to hit other parts of your system, such as confidential data on your business and customers. An attack can also act as a window of opportunity for them to tamper with your apps and install viruses and malware.?

Asian countries, including those in Europe and the Middle East, are fast falling victim to DDoS incidents accompanied by malware, according to data discussed in an article by Nexusguard, a IT security technology provider.

Citing a survey posted in IT Pro last September 2015, the paper further reports that 80 percent of EMEA companies have reported a DDoS attack. Of this group, 92 percent also had malware injected, with data stolen in two out of three of these malware incidents.

For IPC, who currently operates the only in-country DDoS scrubbing center, prevention is key.

?This awareness drive, from the webinar to our blog series, is all about helping enterprises create a good line of defense. It is possible to have an efficient online presence, one that customers trust and enjoy, and be able to withstand malicious activities at the same time,? Valmonte shared.

He added that mitigation solutions have become more efficient and sophisticated over the years, many of them are readily available even for start-up enterprises and small-to-medium businesses.


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