Saturday, July 27, 2024

Recto still hopeful Aquino will sign DICT bill into law

The principal sponsor of the bill creating the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) remains optimistic that President Aquino will sign the measure into law.

ralph recto

“I think the Palace is searching for the best day for a signing ceremony. It’s a matter of scheduling. Or they may want it signed before he gives a major speech so he can announce it there for maximum impact,” Recto said.

“What I learned in government is that statecraft also involves stagecraft. Siguro pinag-iisipan ng Office of the President na maganda kung mapipirmahan itong DICT sa isang pagtitipon na akma sa topic,” Recto said.

“It can even be signed in a coffee shop where BPO workers congregate. That would be a good backdrop. This is a YOLO — You Only Legislate Once — kind of a good bill,” he said.

Both houses of Congress passed their own version of the DICT bill last year, with minor differences. To avoid convening a bicameral conference, the Senate, before it adjourned for the campaign season last month, conveyed to the House its decision to accept the House version.

Recto said that to attract Malacanang support, the DICT bill Congress had approved provides for a lean bureaucracy with small but smart workforce.

“In fact, there will be savings in the merger of the offices. Para makatipid, we limited the number of undersecretaries, to cite an example, and the creation of regional offices was not made mandatory. This will not burn a huge hole in the taxpayer’s pocket,” Recto said.

Despite its “small budget footprint”, the proposed DICT will be a “powerful main server” which would spur ICT (information and communications technology) development, institutionalize e-government, and manage the country’s ICT environment,” Recto said.

Recto said another pressing concern which makes the activation of a DICT urgent is the need to firewall the country from cyberattacks.

“Countries we are not so friendly with may target us and criminals will always want to hack their way to our financial system,” Recto said.

Under the proposed DICT, the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordination Center will be attached to the department, the senator explained.

The DICT will formulate the National Cybersecurity Plan and form the National Computer Emergency Response Team, “our IT Special Action Forces,” Recto said.

“We live in an era when terrorists don’t have to blast bank doors to do mayhem; but simply unleash a virus that could shred or suck out financial data. An enemy with a missile is as dangerous as one with malware,” he said.

Recto said broadband has become the third utility, after power and water, “therefore we need an agency that will address ICT infrastructure, ICT affordability, ICT usage — three areas we score low.”

Despite having one of the slowest Internet speed in the world, the Philippines hosts one of the largest number of cellphone and Internet users in the world.

“ICT is also the third biggest source of dollars after electronics and OFW remittances. It is a growth driver. Every 10 percentage points increase in broadband penetration is said to boost the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 1 percent,” he said.

Income from outsourcing — the BPOs, the call centers, the back offices, medical transcription, game development, creative process outsourcing, to name a few — is projected to reach $25 billion or 8 percent of GDP this year.

Among the powers and functions of the DICT is the “identification and prioritization of all e-government systems and applications.”

On the education front, Recto said the DICT will formulate policies and initiatives to develop and promote ICT in education.

On the public sector side, Recto said a government which spends P3 trillion a year “needs a DICT to get more bang out of the buck, and prevent bribe from being squeezed out of the peso.”

“We are now living in the electronic republic, where views of the sovereign are advocated online, and services must be rendered to them on the same platform. Permits, licenses, land titles should now be electronically-applied for, processed and issued,” Recto said.

“The DICT is also mandated to beef up consumer protection policies to protect consumers against lousy service, and at the same time ensure business users’ right to privacy,” he added.

The DICT, Recto said, would also be tasked to encourage the growth of the ICT industry, by promoting investment opportunities for ICT firms, as well as by creating local and international partnerships to speed up industry growth and competitiveness.

The DICT would be created by merging existing ICT-related agencies under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC).


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