Saturday, July 27, 2024

ICT group urges PCC to reject PLDT-Globe buyout of SMC telco assets

A newly revived umbrella organization of ICT trade associations and professionals has issued a resolution urging the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) to turn down the controversial deal between San Miguel Corporation and local telcos PLDT and Globe Telecom.

The new board of directors of PETEF taking their oath before DICT secretary Rodolfo Salalima. Photo credit: Atty. Francis Acero
The new board of directors of PETEF taking their oath before DICT secretary Rodolfo Salalima. Photo credit: Atty. Francis Acero

The Philippine Electronics and Telecommunications Federation, also known as PETEF, said in a resolution dated Aug. 9 that ?it strongly recommends? the disapproval of the sale of SMC assets, particularly the frequencies in the 700Mhz band and other frequency bands, and return it to the government through the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC).

PETEF also asked the NTC to ?review the frequency spectrum and a new equitable allocation of the frequency bands be made? in order to allow entry of new convergent telecommunication providers.?

The trade association also called on the NTC to ?hold open tenders for the frequency bands within the year.?

?[T]he minimum bid [should] be set on the basis of the proposed selling price of SMC Vega Inc., more or less at P70B, or as may be adjusted in proportion to the resulting reallocation of frequency bands that will ensure fair competition among the new and existing telecommunication providers,? the resolution read.

PETEF also asked the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) to ?promulgate policies to ensure that new technologies shall have access to frequencies as prescribed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and that new entrants would be able to compete against the abuse of any dominant position by existing entities that would substantially prevent or restrict or lessen competition.?

PETEF was inactive over the last few years but sprang back to life after creation of the DICT and the appointment of its former president, Rodolfo Salalima, as the first DICT secretary

In fact, the new board of directors of PETEF took their oath of office before Salalima at the DICT office in Quezon City. It is interesting to note, however, that Salalima has earlier voiced his approval for the acquisition of SMC assets by PLDT and Globe.


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