To mark its first since its official launch, ride-hailing app Uber said it will make all UberHop rides free from February 13 to 17. Riders just need enter the promo code HOPPYBIRTHDAY in their Uber app before booking UberHop. There?s no limit to the number of free rides that can be taken for the week.
Uber said it will also be activating UberHop stops where some its brand ambassadors will be present to educate riders about UberHop, and encourage them to take uberHop to specific drop-off points ?- also for free.
- UnionBank Across Greenbelt 5 (11AM-1PM, 4PM-7PM)
- BPI Orchard Road (5AM-9AM)
- Uptown Place Tower 2 (5PM-9PM)
- Net Quad Building (5PM-9PM)