Saturday, July 27, 2024

CCAP brings Data Privacy Asia summit 2017 to PH

The Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP) has announced that the Philippines will host Data Privacy Asia 2017, to be held on July 20, at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel.

data privacy

The summit, recognized as Asia?s premier data protection, privacy and cyber security conference, gathers the biggest outsourcing players within the region and in the world.

Tonichi Achurra-Parekh, CCAP board director and trustee for CCAP Security Council, said they have already lined up several speakers and data privacy experts from the Philippines and around the world.

?What we are really aiming for is that we want everyone to come together so we can strengthen our collective resources on the issue of data privacy,? Achurra-Parekh said.

Achurra-Parekh said there is still work to be done where the country?s experience on data privacy is concerned, given that the Data Privacy Law, or RA 10173, is still in its early stages, having been enacted only in 2012.

?We expect to be educated about what?s going on globally regarding data privacy during the summit. We already know what we have, in fact we continue to educate ourselves with what we have but we want to run at a global pace. We also want to shout out to the world that this is very important to us and we are taking data privacy very seriously,? she continued.

For her part, Espie Bulseco, senior director for business excellence at Hinduja Global Solutions and Learning Series Taskforce Lead of CCAP Security Council, said that in this day and age where volume of data and its sources increases, so does the risk of data attacks and security breaches also increases.

?Our present efforts in relation to data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity will help us manage those risks well and essentially, will help us protect our clients? sensitive information and data and of course, help show them our value add in terms of the data privacy platform and cybersecurity governance framework.?

Early on, Benedict Hernandez, CCAP chairman, said that the industry had been talking about data privacy and has become a constant topic among customers of BPO players in the country.

?That is why we opened our country?s doors for this important data privacy summit, particularly welcoming speakers who can provide us more insights on the matter not just for the Philippines but also abroad because we interact globally. We want to know more about best practices so we could weigh in those that are relevant to us and those that are not. Then it will help us move forward and progress rapidly,? Hernandez said.

Hernandez adds that CCAP actively collaborated not just with the industry?s own data privacy team but also with the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

?We have a good partnership with the government and they are very supportive in helping reach the goal of the local BPO industry and other industries for that matter to be fully compliant and show to the world that data privacy is in place in the Philippines.?

The Data Privacy Asia 2017, with the theme ?Data Privacy and Cyber Security: Impact on Outsourcing? is presented by the CCAP in partnership with Data Privacy Asia. For more details about the summit, visit and


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