Saturday, July 27, 2024

DLSU tops PH finals of smart energy contest, earns ticket to regional leg

By Clarist Zablan

A pair of students from the De La Salle University will represent the Philippines in the upcoming regional finals of ?Go Green in the City 2017? contest after winning the country finals held on Wednesday, June 7.

The DLSU team of Aaron Del Rosario and Iliana Tan with the judges
The DLSU team of Aaron Del Rosario and Iliana Tan with the judges

?Go Green in the City? is an annual competition by energy management and automation firm Schneider Electric where pairs of students from engineering or business present a project that will efficiently address a global energy situation.

The winning pair in the regional finals will then compete in the global finals at Paris, France.

Team Green Zone, composed of Aaron Del Rosario and Iliana Tan, proposed a project entitled “Radiative Heat Recovering Glass,” which sought to provide an efficient cooling solution.

The triumphant duo said their winning entry integrated current technologies available in the market.

“There are existing technologies but most of those have certain downsides, different from others. Our idea tried to integrate different technologies and focus on their strengths and their key functions,” Del Rosario said.

“The current technologies are already available, and… they’re okay. Which is a matter of, like, putting them to good use,” Tan added.

They also came up with the cooling solutions as it aligns with their chosen fields of mechanical engineering and chemical engineering.

The first runner-up was Team BAE of Jon Michael Mendoza and Carmelle Therese Palillo from the University of the Philippines, who proposed “Smart Open Windows” as alternative to air conditioning units that contribute to increase in carbon dioxide.

They were followed by Maeve Eilinger and Rowel Facunla from the Technical University of the Philippines, who proposed “Inbrico” tiles that absorbs heat to convert to energy.

The judges for the country finals were Schneider Electric Philippines country president Claude Mazallon, CFO for Philippines and Taiwan Junmin Shen, and Department of Energy undersecretary Arwin Ardon.

Ardon also discussed about the plan of the Philippine government to utilize liquefied natural gas in his speech early in the event.


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