Saturday, July 27, 2024

Study: Convenience trumps security among Pinoy app users

According to a study commissioned by network security firm F5 Networks, Filipinos generally prefer convenience over security when using mobile apps.

?As mobile-first economies where the majority of users? first engagement with digital comes from mobile, emerging market enthusiasm and excitement translates into an experience first, security second mindset,? the report said.

The survey noted that consumers from emerging markets that are seeing rapid digital adoption such as Indonesia, India, and the Philippines prioritize convenience, while consumers from developed markets such as Australia and Singapore, prioritize security.

?In fact, users in Indonesia, India, and the Philippines are 14 percent more likely to prioritize convenience over security, as compared to the countries with a more established digital presence such as Australia and Singapore, where 63 percent and 67 percent, respectively, emphasize security over convenience,? the report noted.

The trend seen in Indonesia, India, and the Philippines is contrary to overall behaviour recorded by the regional survey, which showed that secure experiences are of foremost importance for Asia Pacific?s consumers, with 53 percent of them prioritizing security features over the functionality and convenience of an app.

Further, Asia Pacific?s consumers are unforgiving when it comes to security, with close to three in five respondents choosing to stop using an application altogether if data security is compromised.

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?With applications now the face of many businesses, the Curve of Convenience represents the user?s journey to app enlightenment, as they better understand the tug and pull between app security and convenience ? and how having one of them often means giving up the other,? the report said.

?The challenge for businesses today is to strike a balance between convenience and security ? and avoid the convenience chasm, where users are neither satisfied with the convenience, nor security of the app.?


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