Saturday, July 27, 2024

PH firms told: Use culture to transform your businesses

Globe Business, the corporate information and communications technology (ICT) arm of Globe Telecom, gathered on Tuesday, October 16, the country’s business and enterprise leaders to discuss the best practices on leadership innovation and digital transformation.

Photo shows (from left) Globe senior vice president for the enterprise group Peter Maquera, leadership guru Ron Kaufman, and Globe chief commercial officer Albert de Larrazabal

This year?s Leadership Innovation Forum (Lead-In) with the theme ?Culture Shock: Sparking a Revolution?, is Globe Business? way of challenging its partners and clients by harnessing culture to steer its workforce to go beyond business goals.

?Discussing culture is very important as it becomes a unique identifier for successful businesses today,? said Peter Maquera, Globe senior vice president for the enterprise group.

?A strong culture that employees agree to uphold and care intensely about, can motivate them to achieve their specific performance goals and contribute to the company?s overall vision as well.?

Globe chief commercial officer Albert de Larrazabal, said the cultural transformation that Globe implemented allowed the company to get to where it is now.

?We needed to be capable of change, and to organize work in such a way that we are quick to deploy, and are flexible. So at Globe, spinning the Circle of Happiness means having a culture where employee-well being and growth are nurtured to deliver wonderful customer experiences that help steer the company?s future success,? he said.

Ron Kaufman, the event?s keynote speaker, shared insights from individuals and teams at leading organizations around the world.

Kaufman is one of the world’s leading educators and motivators for uplifting customer service and building service culture. His experience and passionate commitment to results have been distilled into proven methods to help clients achieve service excellence and establish strong service culture.

Ken Lingan, Country Head of Google Philippines, and Rex Mendoza, President and CEO of Rampver Financials, also shared experiences and best practices on how culture revolutionized their own companies — focusing on innovation and brand building, respectively.

The event urged enterprises to seize the opportunity to create bigger impact, and contribute to the development of the country by constantly evolving in their respective industries.

It also pushed companies to be responsive and adaptive in the challenging, fast, and unpredictable circumstances that they face today.


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