Saturday, July 27, 2024

PH startup unveils AI-based video analytics map for quarantine, physical distancing

ThingsPH, a tech start-up founded by Bicolano developers, has deployed “Project Greengrass: Covid19 City Watch Initiative”, a free real-time street activity monitoring map powered by video analytics.

Project Greengrass Community Map showing the people count in the streets of Barangay San Antonio, Pasig City

Using the map, which shows in real-time the number of people in a specific area using active CCTV systems, local government units (LGUs) can identify the areas to implement physical distancing and enhanced community quarantine.

The project harnesses the power of Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) for cities and enterprises. ThingsPH has partnered with LGUs for the integration of CCTV systems to the AI-based video analytics software.

Currently, there are two early barangay adopters of the system – Barangay San Antonio Pasig and Barangay Tinajeros Malabon. “This would be an indicator for us [when] to advise to dispatch personnel to a specific area,” said Barangay San Antonio captain Thomas Lising.

The map legend indicators are:

  • Green to Light Green if the count of persons detected is 0-3;
  • Light Yellow to Orange when there are four to 10 persons detect;
  • Light Red to Red when there are 11 persons or more, which would be the time when barangay personnel are dispatched to the area

“Hopefully, there will be more local government units who will subscribe and connect to our system and realize its benefits to their communities. The project is free. It’s our own little way of helping our country fight the spread of Covid-19,” said Ferdinand Yanto III, CEO and co-founder of ThingsPH.

The team recently launched the Project Greengrass public community map to allow citizens to monitor their own villages and report violators to the local authorities. 

“Project Greengrass is a community effort. We want our netizens to be empowered and active in reporting violators in their areas. We are reaching out to them to help us implement the Project to their LGUs,” Yanto added.

Project Greengrass was developed in collaboration with RxR Capital, Testudo Infosec, 31Digital, OneOverZero, and Kaizen Enterprises


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