Saturday, July 27, 2024

P47-M e-learning project from UP-based firm gets BOI approval

The Board of Investments (BOI) has announced that its approved the registration of TAGPROS Education OPC as a new creative industry/knowledge-based service provider for its Learning Management Systems (LMS) platform project.

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The LMS Platform is a software application (Software as a Service or SaaS) that enables the holding of online tutorial classes to students all over the world in partnership with Filipino teachers or educators. It is accessible via personal computers, laptops, and mobile devices.

The platform is seen to enhance students’ learning activities as LMS could allow them to learn anytime and anywhere, and can provide them access to courses whenever needed, rather than during a set time, enabling them to learn at their own pace and get the most out of their education. 

TAGPROS, which is based at the University of the Philippines Diliman campus in Quezon City, has invested P46.7 million for the LMS project. The company is now in operation, employing about 874 personnel, majority of which are teachers.

The firm’s primary revenue stream will be derived from the LMS fees, 70% of which will be received by partner teachers, while the remaining 30% will be the share of TAGPROS.

The firm stressed that LMS will not only help its partner educators but will likewise resolve some of the challenges of online classes being experienced by its targeted Filipino students, as this will enable Filipino educators to upload paid online tutorials allowing them to easily understand the topics and aid in optimizing their proficiency levels. 

The LMS will also feature built-in quiz applications and zoom capabilities where partner educators can either hold live or non-live sessions and students will be given access to pre-recorded videos and other learning materials. 

“Schools have already re-opened with a transition to in-person classes as most implement blended learning, which is a combination of face-to-face and online distance learning. These schools stand to gain with this development as it will make it easier for students to learn and adapt whenever and wherever they are,” Department of Trade undersecretary and BOI managing head Ceferino Rodolfo said, noting that “LMS will further boost the development of the creative industry as well as the BPO-IT sector.”

The IT-BPM sector has been one of the main drivers in realizing the objectives of the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 by expanding economic opportunities in service strategies that aim to develop high-value-added, competitive, and sustainable sectors, support the development of high-value services sectors, and backbone/supporting industries to strengthen linkages of the sector into the domestic and global value chains.

The IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) disclosed that the sector is already way ahead of its timeline, having surpassed the 2022 goals of $29.1 billion in revenues and 1.43 million jobs.

By 2022, the sector is eyeing its revenue to grow by 10% with jobs up by 8%.  Assuming the appropriate conditions and interventions, IBPAP said it is confident of generating 1.1 million new jobs in the next six years.


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