Saturday, July 27, 2024

DICT puts up complaint desk for consumer-related public concerns

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) has issued Department Order No. IEU-075, establishing the primary contact point for the public on consumer-related complaints and concerns.

The unit will be officially known as the Consumer Complaint Center (CCC) and will be led by director Chad Martin Moscoso.  

In 2018, the DICT initially proposed the creation of a digital consumer welfare and protection body that will address consumer concerns related solely to telco services during the National Digital Consumer Conference.  

Back then, the department expressed the need for a system that consolidates all consumer-related concerns, which it can investigate directly and create policies on. With the official formation off the CCC, the DICT will be able to receive and consolidate complaints through a dedicated hotline, but acknowledge and facilitate resolution for them as well.  

The consumer-related concerns are gathered from both internal and external sources: Office of the Secretary (OSEC), Information and Strategic Communications Division (ISCD), Central Receiving and Releasing Unit, Contact Center ng Bayan (CCB), and Presidential Complaint Center (PCC).  

These concerns are to be evaluated by the CCC and endorsed to the concerned organizational unit, which will then complete staff work and relay its response back to CCC for the preparation of response to the sender.  

While managing and following through with all correspondence coursed through the CCC, the department is subject to strict adherence of the “3-7-20” processing time for resolutions pursuant to Republic Act No. 11032, also known as Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 which mandates the adoption of simplified procedures by reducing red tape and expediting government transactions.  


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