Sunday, February 16, 2025

With US gov?t backing, PH forms multi-sectoral S&T research body

More than 60 of the country?s scientists, researchers, and policy makers from government, industry groups, and universities recently convened for the inaugural meeting of the Philippine Government University Industry Research Roundtable or PGUIRR.

USAID mission director Gloria Steele addressed the multi-sector assembly and encouraged it to work together to improve the country?s innovation capacity
USAID mission director Gloria Steele addressed the multi-sector assembly and encouraged it to work together to improve the country?s innovation capacity

Patterned after the US Government University Industry Research Roundtable (GUIRR), the PGUIRR is independent, non-aligned body that will promote research and development in the country.

The body will assemble quarterly to discuss science and technology issues and coordinate research across various sectors. It will also serve as an advisory group that will counsel and consult with government agencies and other entities.

PGUIRR was established with support from the US Embassy Manila?s United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development (Stride) Program.

Stride, the flagship science, technology and innovation program of the US-Philippines Partnership for Growth, aims to spur broad-based and inclusive growth by boosting science and technology research.

?The US Government aims to bring the government, industry, and academe together to transform the Philippines? research capacity, and help the country leapfrog as a stronger economy driven by innovation and technology,? said USAID mission director Gloria D. Steele in her address to the assembly.

The results of a commissioned study assessing the Philippines Innovation Ecosystem were presented at the roundtable by Phil Psilos from RTI International
The results of a commissioned study assessing the Philippines Innovation Ecosystem were presented at the roundtable by Phil Psilos from RTI International

A white paper on the Philippine Innovation Ecosystem, commissioned by USAID, was presented at the meeting, which set the tone for succeeding discussions and generated recommendations for action from the roundtable.

?This is a positive sign for the research, science and technology community. We are ready and eager to take on this task and hope that it will invigorate scientific research, development and innovation in the Philippines,? commented Dr. William Padolina, president of the National Academy of Science and Technology.


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