Saturday, July 27, 2024

More than 20,000 Uber PH drivers seen signing up with Grab

Ridesharing firm Grab Philippines said it expects between 20,000 to 24,000 drivers of Uber to transfer to its platform following Grab’s acquisition of Uber’s Southeast Asian operations.

Grab Philippines country head Brian Cu

Grab launched its activation center on Tuesday, March 27, to allow Uber drivers to migrate to the Grab system as local operations of Uber is set to conclude on April 8.

?We have set up an activation center for Uber drivers who want to migrate to Grab?s platform so that they will be able to continue their transport network vehicle service (TNVS) business,? Grab Philippines country head Brian Cu told a press briefing in Quezon City.

?We will be doing this even after the Uber operations conclude on April 8,? Cu added.

Grab said it will coordinate with the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) in processing Uber drivers that are registered in its database.

?The LTFRB has agreed to provide us the masterlist of Uber?s drivers. We will be working with LTFRB to ensure smooth transition,? Cu said.

Cu estimates that Grab will have a total of between 55,000 and 60,000 drivers once all Uber drivers are signed in to its platform.

Grab is set to meet with the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) next week as it expressed its openness to a possible review on its merger with Uber.

?With the increased supply base under one TNC (transport network company), you should see that allocation times will get better because the density of cars across the maps should get better. It?s easier to allocate, thus the surge will not be as frequent as it used to be,? Cu said.

For her part, LTFRB Board Member Aileen Lizada also disclosed that three companies — Lag Go, Owto, and Hype — are seeking accreditation as new TNCs.

?As soon as they will be able to comply with our requirements, the Board will deliberate and come up with a decision,? Lizada said. ?Any competition is good for the industry as this benefits the commuters.?

Last February, the LTFRB issued a memorandum setting the common supply base for transportation network vehicle services (TNVS) units at 66,750.

There are 59,020 accredited TNVS units for both Uber and Grab whose Certificates of Public Convenience were not processed by the LTFRB due to the moratorium on applications last July 2017. — Aerol John Pate?a (PNA)


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