Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro beefing up presence in PH market

By Crista Quintos

Trend Micro, a Japan-headquartered cybersecurity company that has a global anti-virus lab in the Philippines, is bullish on beefing up its presence in the local market, especially in the corporate and consumer segments.

Photo shows Trend Micro executives led by country manager Ian Felipe (left) during the press briefing

Each year since 2016, Trend Micro has been hosting conferences and talks on the current security trends that companies and individuals should look out for. This year, it is again holding its annual event — dubbed ?Security Trends 2018? — with the topic focusing on data breaches.

Paul Oliveria, Trend Micro?s executive in charge of technical communications, said it is important to put a spotlight on data breach which he defined as the ?exposure of information or data that is deemed sensitive by the organization or their customers.?

?How it is exposed is based on different instances. One instance is when an attacker gets hold of a private information and is made public,? he said.

For his part, Trend Micro Philippines country manager Ian Felipe said the Philippine firms should be investing in cybersecurity measures to protect their data. ?It will happen to everyone, but nobody knows when. But the good thing about it is that we can prepare for it,? Felipe said.

To keep data breaches at bay, he said companies should know what is happening within their networks. ?Once a company knows what is going on within, only then will they be able to provide solutions to manage data breaches in the future,? he said.

Felipe said this is where companies like Trend Micro can come in, supplying threat defense with adaptable and integrated solutions that can identify vulnerable areas.

He said the upcoming conference ?can provide an avenue for enterprises and organizations to address collectively these issues so that they can implement strategies and solutions that are strong enough to withstand the rapid-changing landscape of the hyper-connected world.?

Nilesh Jain, vice president of Trend Micro in Southeast Asia and India, said ?investing in security allows companies to spot vulnerabilities even before they become vulnerable.?


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