Saturday, July 27, 2024

House approves on 2nd reading bill on poverty data collection system

The House of Representatives has approved on second reading House Bill 8217, which seeks to establish a consolidated poverty data collection (CPDC) system will create an updated data for the marginalized sector of the society.

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Principally authored by Rep. Jose Enrique Garcia III (2nd District, Bataan), the bill aims to create a CPDC system that can help the government in conducting more comprehensive poverty analysis and needs prioritization, as well as designing appropriate policies, intervention and monitoring impact over time.

Garcia said to wage a successful war against poverty, it is important to know who the poor are, where they are, and why they remain to be poor. ?There is very little, up-to-date, and disaggregated data available relating to the different dimensions of poverty,? he said.

He said under the bill, the data collected shall form part of a nationwide databank that may be used by national government agencies and LGUs in formulating and implementing focused and targeted poverty alleviation and development programs, and in monitoring the impacts of these program on the quality of life of Filipinos over time.

As defined in the bill, the CPDC system refers to the ?generation of data at the local level which serves as basis in targeting poor households in the planning, budgeting and implementation of government programs geared towards poverty alleviation.?

The system merges the methodologies used in data collection activities of all national agencies, geotagging, and the Community Based Monitoring.

The CPDC system entails a census of households undertaken by the local government units with the participation of the community using accelerated poverty profiling system in the data-collection, processing, mapping and analysis of data.

Meanwhile, the bill refers to geotagging as the ?process of generating metadata about government projects through various media and of uploading to a Web-based application.? This enables the mapping of all areas in the country and allows the government, the citizenry, and other stakeholders to check the progress of projects in real time.

The bill mandates the establishment of a CPDC system in every LGU as an economic and social tool towards the formulation and implementation of poverty alleviation and development programs which are specific, targeted, and responsive to the basic needs of the poor.

Each LGU shall be the primary data collecting authority within its locality. For this purpose, each LGU shall have a statistician whose primary function is data collection, preservation and safekeeping of the data retained at the city or municipal level.

Regular and synchronized data collection shall be conducted by every LGU at an interval not longer than every three years for the first six years of implementation of the proposed law. Annual synchronized data collection shall be done thereafter.

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) will be the lead agency in implementing the CPDC system. It shall capacitate the LGUs in collecting poverty data at the local level through the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute, in collaboration with state colleges and universities (SUCs).

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), on the other hand, will develop institutional arrangements on data-sharing while the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) will regularly disseminate information relating to activities of the CPDC system.

Through an institutional arrangement, national government agencies shall request the PSA for specific CPDC system data for use in their particular social protection and welfare programs and projects.

The right to privacy of every respondent is inviolable with participation in all data collection activities being purely voluntary, according to the bill.

The budget for implementing the proposed will be included in the PSA budget under the annual General Appropriations Act. Within 90 days from the effectivity of the ?CPDC System Act?, the PSA, in consultation with the different national agencies, the League of Municipalities of the Philippines and the League of Cities of the Philippines, will promulgate the implementing rules and regulations of the law.


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