Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Smart Bro launches ‘Dashboard’ for managing broadband accounts

The broadband subsidiary of Smart Communications has introduced Dashboard, which allows Smart Bro subscribers to access everything related to their broadband accounts.

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The Smart Bro Dashboard also includes a feature called “Load Protect”, which, when turned on, prevents subscribers from incurring unintended data charges once their Unlisurf, Flexisurf, or Always On subscriptions expire. This way, subscribers are aware that they are not being charged beyond the packages that they subscribed to.

“With the Dashboard, we’ve taken the guesswork out of managing your prepaid load and subscribing to our latest broadband promos,” said Michele Curran, data and international services marketing head at Smart Communications.

Accessible via the Internet browser, Smart Bro Dashboard allows real-time access to users’ account details, including their SIM number, current load balance, and the current status of their subscribed package.

When a user is subscribed to an Always-On package, for example, they will be able to see in real-time how much MB volume they have left and the validity of their subscription, so they can pace their usage accordingly.

The Dashboard also allows subscribers to buy Unlisurf, Flexitime, or Always On load packages with just a click, so they wouldn’t have to memorize keywords anymore.

They can click on the “Products and Services” tab on Dashboard, choose the specific load package they want to subscribe to, and click “Register Now”. The package will be activated, and the amount will instantly be deducted from their prepaid credits.

Once subscribed, users can also check the status of their load packages through the Dashboard. At the sidebar on the home page, the remaining hours or volume allocation of their subscription will be displayed, so they can monitor their usage over time.

“This means no more fiddling through complicated settings just to be able to send an SMS message to see users’ current load balance or the validity of their subscribed package. It?s all there in the Dashboard, and all it takes is one click,” Curran added.

Through the Dashboard, users can also get free access to their Facebook and Twitter feeds through SmartNet. By signing in to a SmartNet account and linking their social media profiles, they will also be able to post quick status updates for their friends to see.

Aside from this, users can also access various digital content offered by Smart through the Dashboard, including music from Spinnr, movie streaming from Clickplay, and online game e-Pins from GameX. Visiting these sites will not incur any charges if they were accessed from the Dashboard.

The Dashboard is initially available to all prepaid Plug-It, Pocket WiFi, and SIM-only subscribers and postpaid LTE users. The Dashboard automatically opens once the user opens the browser, reaches zero balance, or when ?Load Protect? is turned on and their promo subscription expires.


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