Sunday, September 8, 2024

Online database for ‘Yolanda’ reconstruction efforts to go live by Oct

A website with a map-based database of information being developed by the government through the Office of the Presidential Assistance for Rehabilitation and Recovery (OPARR) is expected to go online by mid-October, an official said Thursday, Sept. 9.

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OPARR assistant secretary Victor Batac said that the database, dubbed “eMPATHY” or e-Management Platform: Accountability and Transparency Hub for Yolanda, will be the central repository of information on all projects undertaken along the Yolanda corridor.

With United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) assistance, OPARR has tapped the services of Synergy International Systems, a provider of customizable, off-the-shelf application for development assistance tracking, the same technology used by several other countries for their recovery efforts.

The eMPATHY is now in the initial stage of roll-out which requires orienting all development partners including the regional offices of national line agencies, local government units, local and international organizations, private organizations, foundations and international aid organizations.

Likewise, OPARR is fast-tracking the trainings for regional line agencies as well as national line agencies, Batac said.

While government agencies implementers are required to submit and update reports using the system, non-government organizations and civil society organizations are not obliged but are only encouraged to report/update the government and the public with their projects to avoid duplication and address gaps, he said.

The system allows project implementers for data entry, project verification and submission, implementation of project updates, implementation of project approval/commenting, managing key performance indicators, managing organization profiles, cluster profiles, reporting and analysis.

Among the benefits of the information management system to users include full access to information, real time progress reporting, easy identification of gaps and easy coordination with various implementers.

Meanwhile, OPARR will be installing mobile LTE antenna for Internet access in Leyte and Samar with a 30-kilometer radius reach. Aside from providing mobile Internet access, the facility can be useful during disasters. — PIA


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