Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sony endorser Paco Guerrero shares tips on underwater photography

Before summer is out, Sony Philippines ambassador Paco Guerrero is sharing his knowledge in underwater photography to help capture adventures in the water creatively.


First, the travel photographer stresses the importance of getting comfortable in the water. Identifying the water as a safe place will uncover the hidden gems of nature. Scuba courses or getting lessons from AIDA-certified freedivers to master breath control underwater could be the first step.

?Whether you are shooting surfers on a wave, reefs, or diving deep to capture shipwrecks, safety is always the key; so make sure you know where you are going, and take time to learn about water safety before you go,? Guerrero explains.

He recommends shooting in the early morning or late afternoon. During these times, the light will come into the water at a certain angle, presenting more dramatic lighting conditions. To achieve more realistic but equally dramatic photos, Guerrero emphasizes the significance of understanding the camera?s color balance. This way, water colors will be properly captured.

And of course, the gear will always play a subtle role.

Guerrero highlights the Sony RX100 series as one of the perfect digital cameras to use in the genre. ?This camera is packed with 1-inch sensor, has great lenses, and strong video features,? he said.

He also emphasizes the MPK-URX100A, the series? underwater case that allows depth of 40 meters with easy layout controls.


?The combination of RX100 and underwater housing is a perfect investment for any travel photographer looking to explore the limits of travel and adventure photography,? Guerrero adds.

The MPK-URX100A underwater case will be available on all Sony Centre Stores and authorized dealers on May 26 with a price tag of P16,890.


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