Saturday, July 27, 2024

Palo Alto Networks adds Prisma to cloud security line

The local office of Palo Alto Networks has unveiled its latest cloud security suite offering — Prisma, which aims to provide more efficient cloud security by simplifying access, data protection, and security application.

Palo Alto Networks country manager Oscar Visaya

The Prisma suite has four components.

  • Prisma Access — This combines enterprise-grade security with a globally scalable network. Previously called the GlobalProtect cloud service, it will soon run on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Prisma Public Cloud — This is powered by machine learning to correlate data and assess risk across the cloud environment.
  • Prisma SaaS — This enables safe application adoption as a multi-mode cloud access security broker (CASB). It’s comprised of both the Aperture and the Global Protect cloud service. It will also feature new integrations that result in improved admin experience in IT-sanctioned and unsanctioned SaaS applications with unified visibility and management. For customers looking to reduce their attack surface early in the development cycle, its “shift left” approach to security enables the detection of vulnerabilities. It is also able to fix the improper configurations in the customers’ infrastracture-as-code templates, which reduces the risk for the developer.
  • VM Series — This is the virtualized form factor of the Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation firewall.

According to Oscar Visaya, Palo Alto Networks country manager for the Philippines, customers are in different stages of embracing the concept of security transformation as part of their digital transformation.

Visaya explained, “When they move to the cloud, a lot of customers that I talk to don’t really think of security as part of cloud transformation. As a matter of fact, there are still a lot of customers who are not 100 percent fully into doing security transformation as part of their digital transformation.”

He went on to say, “The ultimate objective of moving into the cloud for digital transformation need not be complex,” said Visaya. He added that simplicity is an important element in going digital and it gets more defined when it comes to cloud technology.

Prisma currently has 9,000 enterprise customers globally and all four of the suite’s components are already available.


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