Saturday, July 27, 2024

Survey: Nintendo Switch is top gaming console in PH during lockdown

E-commerce aggregator iPrice Group has released its research into what gaming console is currently the top choice for Asian gamers. The analysis was based on 1.5 million searches made on online shopping platforms spanning across the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Hong Kong.

The top 3 most in-demand game consoles in each country during Covid-19 lockdowns. Source: iPrice

Results showed that while Nintendo Switch is indeed the most popular gaming console, leading the charts in 5 out of the 7 countries (including the Philippines), it ultimately fell short against main rival PlayStation 4 in Vietnam and Indonesia.

The PlayStation 4 came second behind the Switch in the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Interestingly enough, in the Philippines, no Xbox console made it to the top 3 as 13-year-old console, PS3, is the most searched console after Nintendo Switch and PS4.

Meanwhile, in Thailand, the Xbox One managed to inch ahead of the PS4 to come in second place. In Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world, interests for The Switch only amount to 61% of interests for the PS4.

Like the Philippines, the third most sought-after console in Indonesia is also PS3, solidifying Indonesia as the land of the PlayStation. In Vietnam, the story is similar as interests for the Switch fell behind interests for the PS4. Ranking 3rd behind them is Microsoft Xbox One.

All in all though, Nintendo Switch is still the most beloved gaming console in the region, especially now when all seven countries are practicing social distancing rules, inspiring many to turn to gaming.

From mid-March till mid-April, interests for Nintendo Switch on online shopping platforms in the region shot up by 245%. By comparison, interests for the PS4 only increased by 135%. Total demands for the Switch is now 1.6 times higher than that for the PS4.

Increases in demands for game consoles on online shopping platforms in each countries under Covid-19 lockdowns. Source: iPrice

iPrice also saw that during that same time, searches for all gaming consoles in the 7 countries increased by 115% overall compared to the previous period. Vietnam leads the region at an impressive 432% increase, followed by Singapore at 241% and Thailand at 208%.

The Philippines trails behind due to the very strict restrictions on the delivery of goods. Many of its Southeast Asian neighbors did not limit the use of e-commerce to essential goods and are already way ahead in terms of the use of e-commerce even before Covid-19. Nonetheless, Filipinos are still turning to gaming and going online during the lockdown. 


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