Saturday, July 27, 2024

Huawei Galileo Hall reveals future of 5G

The creation of the first astronomical telescope in 1609 by Galileo Galilei was a catalyst that helped change how humans viewed the universe. This shift in belief from a heliocentric theory to geocentrism paved the way for the expansion of humanity’s understanding in his place among the stars.

5G Huawei Galileo Hall Philippines News

Akin to this feat, Chinese tech Huawei views itself as a pioneer in changing how humanity views 5G networks. That is why the company saw fit to name its new 5G exhibit the “Galileo Hall” – a representation of the brand’s continuous exploration efforts to reveal the unknown capabilities of 5G, all in the starry backdrop of space.

The exhibition area is divided into five parts – all represented by the planets closest to Earth. Mars reveals how the deployment of 5G can be “extremely” simplified. Saturn enumerates the growing number of devices and products that make up the 5G ecosystem. Jupiter portrays the leaders in 5G deployment. Venus shows how 5G can improve life in different ways. And finally, Mercury unveils the new industries being transformed by 5G networks.

Select members of the media were recently invited to take a tour inside the 5G exhibition area. The visitors were greeted by a classical architectural corridor with screens that take a nod to the scientists that led the field of communication from modern radio technology to the 5G era of today.

In the Mars area, Huawei explained the 1+1 sites, a unified and standardized module design that reduces the reconstruction costs for new 5G infrastructure and lowers the total cost of ownership. As an example, 1+1 Antennas pertain to a single antenna that supports all frequency bands below 3GHz with an additional 5G Massive Multiple Input, Multiple Output antenna.

To date, China has already 600,000 base stations deployed across roughly 300 cities. At this scale, it supports around 160 million 5G connections across the country, delivering speeds in hundreds of Mbps in multiple industries – from healthcare, ports, steel, power grids, mining, and manufacturing.

On a more global scale, however, Huawei is seen as the preferred partner for global operators of 5G. With a backing of 91 commercial contracts and 5G shipments that exceed 600,000, Huawei has played an active role in the success of companies like Swiss telecommunications provider Sunrise, Kuwaiti mobile telecommunications company Zain, Saudi Telecom Company, and China Unicom. These partnerships were displayed inside the Jupiter area.

Huawei rotating chairman Ken Hu advised organizations to first assess whether 5G is the correct solution that they need. Although there is a growing number of industries that are willingly embracing the 5G and the advantages it brings with it, they must first ensure if their specific business scenarios have a need for 5G investments.

“There’s no out-of-the-box approach to innovation. We’ve got to focus on real needs in real scenarios and build up the capabilities to meet those needs. This is a challenge. But more importantly, it’s a huge opportunity for everyone involved,” Hu said.

The Venus area cited examples on how 5G can affect the lifestyle of users. These include leaps in Virtual Reality technology, LG using 5G for products like multi-view live sports and AR Live, 5G+ Media, and 5G+ 8K visual experiences. Meanwhile, the Saturn exhibit showcased 5G chipsets, terminals, vehicle modules, and security – all part of the 5G ecosystem.

Finally, Mercury revealed how 5G is bringing a new wave of industrial revolution across the majority of industries with its high bandwidth, low latency, and high concurrency. Through 5G, industries benefit through full factory connection, life cycle management, machine vision, on-site image data, inspection and maintenance of the AR remote device, and an overall increase in a plant’s productivity.

“5G will create increasingly greater value for industries over the next decade. We are ready and willing to work with operators, our enterprise customers, and industry partners to push the boundaries of innovation and build a better future for everyone,” Hu concluded.


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