Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report shows Smart topping 5G categories in PH

Mobile metrics firm Opensignal has published its latest Mobile Network Experience Report for the Philippines, which revealed a particularly strong performance from Smart Communications, winning nine out of 16 categories outright and two categories jointly.

The report said Smart 5G users again spent the most time with an active 5G connection and found a 5G signal in the most locations.

It said Smart wins 5G Availability this time with a score of 16.5% and a lead of 6.7 percentage points over Globe’s 9.8%. Smart again comes top for 5G Reach, given its score of 4.6 points — giving it a lead of 0.6 points over Globe’s 4.1 points.

Globe users saw the greatest improvement in their overall experience when playing multiplayer mobile games over cellular connections since our last report. The operator’s score rose by nine points (23.8%), while DITO’s increased by 4.7 points (11.4%) and Smart’s was statistically unchanged. This has moved Globe into second place and cut Smart’s lead down from 12.9 points to 7.8.

Globe has overturned Smart’s 3.6 Mbps lead in the last report, to win the 5G Upload Speed award outright with a score of 12.8 Mbps. It wins by a margin of 1.4 Mbps. Globe’s victory was driven by a 1.8 Mbps increase in the average 5G upload speeds seen by our Globe users and a 3.2 Mbps decline in those seen by Smart users.

Smart also pushed past Globe to win the Excellent Consistent Quality Award, the report said.

This change was caused by a spectacular 14.4 percentage point improvement in Smart’s score since the previous report. DITO saw similarly impressive gains, with an increase of 12.5 percentage points moving it into second place.

Globe users saw a more modest rise of two percentage points. Smart, however, won with a score of 58.2% and by a margin of 3.8 points.

Globe and Smart are joint winners of the 5G Games Experience and 5G Voice App Experience awards. In the last report Smart won both awards outright. Globe’s 5G Games Experience score rose by 6.3 points from the previous report, while Smart’s fell by 4.8 points.

Globe users were the only ones to see an improvement in their 5G Voice App Experience — a modest rise of 1.6 points. Smart remains the outright winner of both the overall Download Speed Experience and 5G Download Speed awards.

The PLDT-owned wireless operator also won the Download Speed Experience with a score of 22.5 Mbps — 5.3 Mbps (30.6%) faster than DITO’s 17.2 Mbps and 8.3 Mbps (58.8%) ahead of Globe’s score of 14.2 Mbps. Smart users saw the fastest average 5G download speeds — 134.8 Mbps, 17.3 Mbps faster than Globe users’ 117.5 Mbps.


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