Tuesday, February 11, 2025

NEDA cites pivotal role of digital technologies in securing food security

The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) has underscored the potential of digital technologies in advanced monitoring tools for domestic production and maintaining affordable and accessible food prices.

Addressing the 46th annual scientific meeting (ASM) of the National Academy of Science on Thursday, NEDA secretary Balisacan also stressed the pivotal role of science, technology, and innovation in achieving a hunger-free Philippines.

He told the ASM that leveraging the Digital National ID could efficiently target feeding programs to the most vulnerable, ensuring maximum impact for interventions.

Balisacan cited the importance of advancing research and development in the food sector to ensure the availability of adequate and safe-to-consume food commodities.

He advocated for the establishment of innovation governance mechanisms to empower and incentivize innovation actors to generate, deploy, scale up, and promote the diffusion of game-changing technologies that can revolutionize the country’s food supply chains.

The 46th ASM resolutions urged NEDA to prioritize important goals such as equity, consumer health, and environmental conservation in the national socio-economic development plans, in addition to focusing on productivity, global competitiveness, and higher incomes for farmers and fishers.

In response to the 46th ASM resolutions Balisacan emphasized that the government — through laws, regulations, and strategic policies and programs — must create an enabling environment and implement responsive policy measures that promote food security.

“Under the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, food security is characterized not just by its availability but by the equally important dimensions of accessibility, affordability, and impact on the health and well-being of our citizenry,” said Balisacan.

He highlighted the urgency of addressing challenges in the country’s food system, particularly food inflation, which poses a significant threat to food security and hampers the country’s poverty reduction efforts.

Balisacan also outlined strategies, including infrastructure and investment-related policies and frameworks, aimed at optimizing the management and utilization of land and water resources to support sustainable food production.

“Modernizing our infrastructure can significantly reduce post-harvest losses while reducing our carbon footprint and encourage product diversification into higher-value-added crops and alternative food staples, as outlined in the Resolutions,” Balisacan added.


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