Friday, May 3, 2024

How social media changed the cannabis industry

As kids, when we, the present generation, thought about the future, the first thing at least half of us would be thinking of was flying cars, robots doing things for us and many other futurama kinds of stuff.

However, the reality is, as we get closer to ‘the future’, it turns out, things aren’t all that way, or anywhere near. In fact, the future is much closer to Disney’s Wall-E kind of future, one where we spend all day with our faces stuck on screens, as many already do with social media. 

Who would have guessed that what most likely started out as an innocent entertainment app would have grown to the huge monster it is nowadays. Almost everyone on earth nowadays who knows how to use a phone has at least one, if not all, social media app that they use. In fact, it’s as if people who don’t were kinda missing the things going on in the other dimension.

It’s not that we have anything against not using social media, the contrary, bravo! It’s just that, if you wanna take part of the contemporary world, social media is one of the easiest ways to access communication throughout the globe within seconds.

No wonder why so many industries saw such a huge boost after the apparition of social media. For instance, an industry as simple and familiar as the fashion industry is one of the main activities on these platforms, and undoubtedly benefited from its lots, changing its whole customer-company relation. But the fashion industry isn’t just the only one who benefited from social media. 

The cannabis industry certainly owes lots to social media and in many different aspects. To begin with, knowing that marijuana is now gaining its legal approval in several countries, perhaps we should take a look back and see why. Well, as it turns out, living in the ultra-communicated world we’re living in, it was a matter of time until people started getting their voices heard, ones where the word cannabis is no longer to be hidden, unspoken.

The world consumes marijuana, so why act as we don’t? Thanks to social media, we were able to free all the stoners in the world and even medical cannabis users to freely express their love for the plant, earning the industry lots of organic press.

But not only stoners found shelter in the world through social media, so did cannabis companies. See, the industry has been getting much more sophisticated, as to say so, that it once was. You might have heard how the weed that people consumed in the ’70s was a poor-quality grass.

Well, it’s because people didn’t know, and weren’t supposed to talk about cannabis and its varieties and so on. Now, most stoners will know what girl scout cookies seeds or taste like, and more complex details about genetics. And not to ignore either the popularity that the cannabis business has gained through celebrities in social media. Names such as Snoop Dogg, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, are just a few of the oh so many more who have been openly expressing their love for the plant on social media for quite a couple of years now. 

Some of them even saw the opportunity in the industry and began investing in the business too, creating their own cannabis brands, or making collaborations with the big boys in multinational companies. 

Furthermore, marijuana buds’ pictures also have been building publicity on their own. Just like tattoo fans follow tattoo accounts and hashtags, so do stoners with growers and marijuana companies. From memes to weed porn, a.k.a. Premium quality weed photos, stoners love resharing this type of content, spreading the world around their followers.

No wonder why big canna-companies realized that just by posting some tempting photos of their products they could easily draw the public’s attention. These firms are now widely famous on social media, with infinite loyal stoner followers. And not only this, cannabis firms can now even commercialize their products on social media, but now buds, just yet.

The author is from Fast Buds


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