Thursday, January 23, 2025

Castelo wants probe on telcos for mobile ads

A lawmaker is seeking to compel the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to regulate the use of mobile cellular service as an advertising medium.


Rep. Winston Castelo (2nd District, Quezon City) filed House Resolution 3021 urging the House Committee on Information and Communications Technology to conduct a probe on mobile operators when sessions in Congress resume.

Castelo said mobile phone subscribers are becoming unwitting recipients of mobile ads, while giving telecommunications companies another source of revenues.

At present, 9 out of 10 Filipinos own cellular phones.

According to Castelo, mobile phone subscribers are a captive market for mobile advertising, with practically no cost to telcos.

The carriers, he said, have turned a deaf ear on the complaints of cellular phone owners who receive advertising messages without consent, Castelo added.

“Apparently, some insiders in these telecommunications companies make a killing by selling the numbers for a fee — a practice inimical to good order and fair business practice,” Castelo said.

Castelo said NTC should inquire why telcos are using their networks for mobile advertisements and for the agency issue guidelines to protect end-users.


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