Saturday, July 27, 2024

Quarter-life crisis affects 87% of Filipino professionals: survey

Quarter-life crisis — a period in one?s mid-20s to early 30s marked by feelings of doubt and insecurity which can lead to anxiety or depression — affects as much as 87 percent of 25-33 year old Filipino professionals, according to a survey commissioned by online site LinkedIn.

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More than 60 percent find their quarter-life crisis marked by worries that they are not earning enough, the report said. More than half (54 percent) also feel unsure about what to do next in their lives or careers, while 53 percent are frustrated with their career options.

While half of respondents have an idea about what their dream job is, they are uncertain about how best to approach a career move. They report feeling stuck in their current roles (49 percent) with no transferrable skills, or feel that their current workplaces don?t offer enough support to help them progress (46 percent.)

Many want advice to help them figure out what to do next, but don?t know where to go for answers (71 percent.) More than half (61 percent) are looking for career mentors, but are worried that they don?t have the connections to find one on their own.

In response to this need, LinkedIn said it is introducing its new ?Career Advice? feature in the Philippines, to make it easier for professionals to connect with one another for advice.

?While there isn?t one simple solution to get over a quarter-life crisis, getting advice from people that have had similar experiences can help navigate these career crossroads,? said Linda Lee, LinkedIn?s head of communications for Southeast Asia and North Asia.

?Getting an unbiased point of view from someone with the right experience can give you a fresh perspective. Remember that you are not alone in your struggles — it?s likely others have been in the same situation as you before.?


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