Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cloud operator bares new service for PH health sector

Local cloud services pioneer IPC has announced Health Cloud, a new service aimed at helping the healthcare industry improve patient care and manage treatment.

Health Cloud is an app that?s designed to improve patient relationships by streamlining the health care workflow and providing customized care plans.

This way, medical professionals can perform their functions smoothly, as well as carry out utmost efficient care to each patient. It offers a plethora of functions that both medical professionals and patients can use to access health care data, ranging from the patient?s profile to the health care timeline and caregiver network.

It also has a two-way messaging function that makes communication between users easier, on any channel and any device.

Health Cloud combines data from multiple sources ? electronic medical records, medical devices, even wearables ? into a single dashboard, thereby keeping all information about the patient in one place. This gives health workers a holistic view of the patient?s medical state and enhances their collaboration with other care providers.

Consequently, it?s a technology that encourages intelligent care collaboration with features that help provide smarter care decisions, allow medical professionals to work together to extend faster service and provide early intervention.

?With Health Cloud, we are putting the patient first. By offering a tool that provides everything care providers need for the management and treatment of patients, they get to skip time-consuming processes and just focus on providing the necessary care the patient needs,? said Ni?o Valmonte, IPC director for marketing and digital innovation.

The app hosts services that turn data into actionable insights and help drive better outcomes for both healthcare providers and patients.

It keeps data secure in the cloud through Shield, a tool that easily encrypts and proactively protects data against suspicious use. Every user of the Health Cloud app benefits from this by undergoing two-factor authentication and complying to rigorous log-in policies.

The amount of information offered by the app to each user depends on the level of access granted by the app?s administrator, in order to keep sensitive information safe and secure.

Care providers who will benefit from the Health Cloud include caregivers, nurses, pharmacists, and doctors who are involved in the care and treatment of patients in hospitals, clinics, and other wellness centers.

At the same time, it is a tool that centralizes stored information, making data accessible to the different branches or divisions of health institutions that avail the app, as appropriate.

With this app, both health professionals and patients are given a broad view of the individual care journey from initial consultation to treatment, wellness and beyond.

Health Cloud was developed by Salesforce, one of the world?s top customer relationship management platforms. As its Gold Cloud Alliance partner, IPC is authorized to resell Salesforce products, as well as train and support Philippine-based clients on their usage 24/7.


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